Transactional Practice
David Furr has a very active transactional practice that engages mostly in sell-side (strategic and private equity groups) and some buy-side. Also, a good mix of Venture Capital.
Representative transactions sell-side:
$100,000,000 +
- NASCAR sports marketing and memorabilia business to Strategic
- International digital financial services aggregator to PEG – later represented management on resale to Strategic
- Organic cosmetic business to PEG or strategic
$10,000,000 – 100,000,000
- Specialty pharmacy to PEG
- Environmental emergency service group to PEG – later management representation on resale to second PEG
- Shale/fracking group to PEG
- Court reporting and trial services firm to PEG
- Aviation MRO business to PEG
- Design and engineer of automotive aftermarket products to Strategic
- Medical equipment management services to PEG
- Health Care IT auto-adjudication of claims payers
$2,000,000 – 10,000,000
- Multiple product distribution businesses to strategics
- NASCAR Technical platforms
Venture Capital Initiatives
- Blockchain fintech in derivatives analysis and LIBOR recast
- High energy Keto/Paleo protein bar
- Subscription based on-line/MLM jewelry business
- Cybersecurity as a service business – later sale to Strategic
- Life Science Cold Storage of Vaccine and Blood Plasma
(2 Rounds)
Representative transactions buy-side:
- SaaS in poultry operations – later sale to Strategic
- Court reporting services for aggregator
- Long-term hauler acquisition by Strategic